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Same or Less

We charge whānau less or the same for their power supply and share their power with those who need it most.

No Contracts

Whānau choice is most important to us. we think whānau should stay with us because they want to not because they have too.

Weekly Billing

We have found it is easier for our whānau to pay smaller, more frequent bills rather than a big one at the end of the month.

No Fixed Charge

With us you'll only pay for what you use, we don't charge our whānau any daily fixed cost in addition to their bills


Pricing and rates?

We want to ensure that you'll pay the same or even less for your power supply. However, achieving this can be tricky because everyone's power situation is different.

To get it right, give us a call, and we’ll provide you with an accurate estimate of what you’d pay. If you’re knowledgeable about power rates, you can also enter your address into our price checker to see your KWH price and plan.

How to select a kaupapa?

Right now, our focus is on ensuring vulnerable consumers have a sufficient supply of power to keep their whānau warm this winter. There's over 130,000 homes here in Aotearoa who can't afford to keep their families warm and we want to change that!

So by default your bill will be going directly to our whānau fund which enables us to do that, however changing your kaupapa is easy as!

On your dashboard you'll see a "kaupapa" tab, click that and look through the growing list we have and make a choice.

From there, everytime you pay for your power you'll either be enabling a whānau struggling do the same or supporting a kaupapa that means most to you all while paying the same or less than what you pay now.

Who can join Nau Mai Rā ?

Anyone and everyone! No, you don't need to be Māori to join our whānau - all you need to do, is believe like we do, that power is a right and not a privilege. We don't do credit checks at all, our door is open to all whānau. So come join us and do more with your power!

Where does Nau Mai Rā currently service?

Right now we are in the middle of our national rollout and have opened the following areas:

  • Northland
  • Auckland
  • Parts of the Waikato
  • Bay of Plenty
  • Hawks Bay
  • East Coast
  • Taranaki
  • Wellington
  • Christchurch 

If we're not in your rohe yet don't worry we are on our way, go fill in our form and we'll let you know when we open in your area, so you can jump on the waka as soon as we are 🙂 

How do payments work?

Right now we only have a weekly direct debit plan, which we know for some might be a little bit of a hoha, but don't let that stop you from jumping on the waka, we do have some options that can help you and if that's the case, when you go to sign up opt to kōrero with us rather than completing your sign up by yourself online and we can provide some options that have helped our whānau who get paid monthly and fortnightly that might be able to help you.

Let's turn that hoha into koha for our whānau and kaupapa who need it most

Do you sell gas?

Kao (no), unfortunately, we don't - but don't worry you can keep your gas where it is now and bring your power to us - we have a tonne of whānau with us now doing this 🙂