Click the Join Now button. Fill in the form and let's see if we can service your whare.
If we can, check our rates to make sure it fits for you and your whānau.
Then, follow the prompts and let us take care of everything else. Including, talking to your current provider.
Being a tuakana with us means you are willing to use your power bill to help those who need a hand paying for theirs. It costs you nothing extra and is as simple as paying for power.
You'll pay the same or less for your power than you do now, then every time you pay your power bill, a portion of it will go into our Whānau Fund - which is what we use to support those whānau who need it most - at no extra cost to you!
Through our pay-it-forward consumer model and thanks to tuakana like you, we've been able to support 1000's of vulnerable consumers to keep their lights on and their whānau warm. And the cool thing is, we're just getting started.